Sunday, January 30, 2005

If you could fix me up, we'll go a long way

Well, I did it.

To: My Bosses
(insert name of popular Christchurch restaurant here)
Dear Boss 1 and Boss 2
Please accept this as my letter of resignation, effective as of March 4th. I am giving you five weeks notice in consideration of Boss 2 going into hospital and getting all the titanium rods removed from her leg where she completely fucked it by breaking it in 7 places, and of the respect and appreciation I have received from this establishment over the last three years. I thank you both for the opportunities I have received and hope to encounter the same level of professionalism and kindness in future employment.
Big Smoochies

Ok so the original didn't actually say "fucked", but the rest of it is right. Except for the smoochies.
And now I have four and a half weeks until I am FREE!!!!!! MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!
I'm actually a little apprehensive. I've been working every day and every night for as long as I can remember, and I'm really not sure what people do when they're not at work. I asked my flatmate, and she said people have hobbies, and actually see their friends, which would be nice. And they read, and go for walks, and watch movies, and cook.
Which all sounds jolly nice.

In other news; He Who Must Not Be Named in a Public Forum, hereafter known as My Friend (out of consideration for finger fatigue) has left.
He has upped and gone and moved out of town for his new job.
Now I know that most people who know him think hes a complete bastard, but I am really going to miss My Friend. Sure, he can come across as rude, and yes hes arrogant, and can be a little prickly, but hes also incredibly sweet (well, to me anyway) and fiercely loyal and generous and honest and funny and he doesn't suffer fools or hypocrites and he has no hidden agenda. Which are qualities to be respected. He is also the ONLY man I have met in positively AGES who I am comfortable with and who doesn't seem to mind that I'm a bit mad.
Oh well.
I don't want this blog to turn into a navel-gazing exposition on failings of the modern man, or "the reasons Claire is single" cos quite frankly thats a) really boring and b) there are many other things I could be doing with my time c) modern men are a lot better than popular culture/advertising would have us believe and d) its really not a priority, despite the content of recent blogs. I just tend to write about whats in my mind, and recently, its been about men, most likely because circumstances have conspired to put them at the forefront of my mind. Especially with the departure of My Friend.
And of my friends, a significant number of them are men, and they are awesome.
You can go now.