Monday, April 18, 2005

I am Woman, hear me Roar

I have just posted and emailed a bunch of stuff to the last-american-university-I'm-going-to-apply-for. I'm a little nervous. As I wrote to the guy who runs the programme, it is very difficult to plead ones case via electronic medium, additionally I was restrained in that particular form as I presume my usual tactic of "I'm fucking awesome give me bunches of money bitch" probably has limited tenure in academia. So now I am waiting for The Boss Man who is currently MIA in London to get round to writing a letter of recommendation for me, to go with the other two (that hopefully say "Claire is awesome, give her bunches of money you bitches") and then to hear back from programme-running-guy. I wrote a wee letter to go with all the material I sent him, the closing line being "Yours, in anxious anticipation". I attached it all to an email that said something along the lines of "I've done the best job I can trying to sell myself in electronic form, and so all I can do now is drum my fingers nervously on the keyboard awaiting your decision".
*drums fingers nervously on the keyboard*

But hey, if that fails, I'm moving my arse to tropical Brisbane to get me some of that Queensland love. And the American university is very near the Canadian border, and although that brings me closer to one of my lifetime goals of scoring a Mountie, I hear it is a bit chilly.
And of course, tropical climates are best for pasty white freckly gingas.

My friend got a PhD on Friday. Well, she got it ages ago, but graduation was on Friday, so I sat there with her mum and step-dad, and clapped and cheered, and snoozed through all the other people. Then, of course, we went out for dinner on Saturday night and needless to say there was drink involved. Bubbles, sauvignon blanc, beer, merlot, feijoa vodka. So Sunday was fun.
Actually Sunday was cool, despite being a bit OverHung, cos I spent about four hours on the sofa watching Buffy on the big screen. The big screen being the living room wall, cos we got ourselves some of that data projector loving, at least until my schoolteacher flatmate has to return it when school goes back in three weeks.
Lots of Buffy time.

Time to get back to work now.
Oh piss.

Update not at all related to anything: apparently our MPs have begun referring to each other as "front bums" in the media.
Now thats classy.