Monday, October 25, 2004

Days like this are sweet....

Actually, I have had a fairly sweet weekend.
Its getting to be all summertime, and one has been getting stuck into some summer styles action.
After dressing up as Kate Sheppard on Thursday, and hopefully not causing the great lady to roll too many times in her grave, especially by making a pre-speech chardonnay toast to the Women's Christian Temperance Union, there was a bit of boozing done. Nice work, Claire and Bridget. So, one's GRE study on Friday was a little, shall we say, hampered.
Then I had the gruelling exam on Saturday morning, at one point I was completely prepared to chew my own foot off for a cup of tea. Once that was over however, there was Rosie's birthday party, followed by one of the definate high points of my weekend, fish and chips on Sumner beach with Charlie and Dave. Its awesome to just sit with people, and shoot the shit. Those are some good blokes, those two.
Then it was Simon and Anna's last night at work, and so I went to meet them. Nike was horrendously drunk, and most amusing.
Sunday involved a most smashing picnic at Victoria Park with Sarah and another Bridget, and then I put my mum on a plane to Europe. Bye mummy.
I'm having one of those phases where life is really not that bad. You know that mood where it looks like it might be all ok. Yeah.
Ok, I'm going now. Before I start rabbiting on.
Right. Carry on then.