Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Oh yeah.
I am writing this from my new bedroom, in my Mum's house, far from the madness. My Mum is off to Europe on Sunday for 6 & 1/2 weeks, and I will have this whole house to myself. Joy of joys. No more will I have to endure the shrieking, the sighing, the inane babble, the "how do you feel about that" bull of my Former Flatmates.
I am so happy I could just dance. Actually, yesterday I did do the dance of joy, its just unfortunate that I did the dance at work while several customers were looking in my direction, thereby becomg very embarrassed, but not enough to take the edge off the motivations for the dance of joy.
But now I am ridiculously tired, and have but 3 days left to study for the Big Scary GRE exam on Saturday morning.
8.30 am, do you mind? On a Saturday as well. I mean, everyone knows theres no oxygen before 10am, especially on the weekend.

In comedy news, my 9 year old nephew is about to be introduced to the world of Monty Python. I can't wait.

Also, lest it be thought otherwise, I am really Not Going To The University Of Alabama, unless I can help it: ie unless I get rejected by Yale, Stanford, NYU, Columbia, Princeton, Michigan, Penn State, Duke, Cornell, MIT and Berkeley. OK, so it might happen, but I'm hoping that the law of averages will apply, or one of them falls over and hits their head.