Sunday, June 20, 2004

58 pages of goodness

Oh yeah baby, I am so kicking arse!!! Actually I haven't read the last 12 pages I just wrote, so it might suck, but hey, at least its done.
All the signs of an imminent cold are here. Uhoh!!
Sore muscles, headache, sneezes, itchy eyes, scratchy throat. Fuck it, I don't care if I get the fucking ebola virus, I'm finishing this thesis Wednesday week. I'll be sitting here, bleeding out my ears, with various body parts falling off onto the floor, but I'll have my thesis finished. Of course I'll be dead, but hey. Priorities.

In other news, I was that thing you are when you're not right when I said about only one week left of 24. They confused me by starting it in the middle of the day, when the others start in the morning. Silly Claire. Thankfully theres lots more of 24 to go, and although I know some of what happens, thanks to the irresistible lure of the website, it will console me until er returns. Yes, only 1 week to go. Bastards.
Anyway, off to go see The Punisher bring the smackdown on some punk bitches. Like the punk bitches I brought the smackdown on last night, who were pissing me off by being VERY FUCKING NOISY at the park next to my house on a motorbike. They were on a bike, not my house. I'm not very nice at the best of times, let alone exceedingly stressed and tired and grumpy late at night. I think I scared them sufficiently, and sent them crying back home to their mamas. Yeah.
Also, Nike wins todays prize of best text message: "I think not, baby puppy. It is you who are mistaken...I'm well hungover." Competition opens again tomorrow, so get your texting thumbs working!!!
Later, gator.