Apparently I have Merit.
Well, not so much me, but my thesis. Its not official yet, but hey.
I don't think thats too bad for someone who worked one job mostly full time for the whole time I wrote it, and two jobs for a goodly portion. Plus, I never did Honours in political science either, so I'm just going to say that I rock.
Yes Nic beat me and got Distinction.
I have a nicer car though.
Its all a bit silly at the moment cos I've got a really snotty cold and its in my ears (the cold, not the snot) and I've gone a bit deaf and I've got more work to do than there are daylight hours in the day.
Also I've nearly convinced myself that it is completely within the realm of wisdom to fly up to Wellington in the evening, see Interpol (in all their magnificent awesomeness), fly back the next morning, spend a couple of hours with the whanau, and fly out to New York that afternoon. I even called my mum to check that she wouldn't be too pissed off at me for spending my last night in NZ in Wellies seeing a band who are from the city I'm flying to the next day. She was completely cool with it.
So yes, its a bit silly, and I have to go now and look after the wee people.
Silly silly silly.
Also, that thing what I wrote has merit! Woohoo!!