Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Its Poll Time, People

Option one: get a job.
Pros: get paid, make a parental unit happy.
Cons: Lifetime of "what if.."

Option two: tend to the notion in my head, planted at Friday's supervisory meeting.
Pros: Get a PhD, answer the eternal question "what if...", get to add another adventure to my list, get to live in another country for five years, have a hell of a thing to put on my CV, resulting in far better job and more of the aforementioned paid-ness, get loads of teaching experience at flash university, potentially get paid for doing so, meet loads of new people.
Cons: Have to live in another country for five years, won't be finished PhD until age 32 (ish), miss more years of Alexander, Samantha and Rosemary, have a disappointed parental unit, only get to see family once or twice a year, miss New Zealand, have to forgo 5 Super 12 seasons, will need to get my Tim Tams and Weetbix imported, have to meet loads of new people and drive on the wrong side of the road.
