Friday, June 25, 2004


This time next week, a fantasy of procrastination.
This time next week:
- Two very lucky academics will have a copy of my thesis in their hot little hands
- I will have slept for more than seven hours in one go
- The bags under my eyes will have gone away (I hope)
- The knots in my back will have gone (ditto)
- I will have got home before midnight
- I can stop drinking the evil Coca Cola to stay awake
- I will have tidied my bedroom
- I would have sat on the sofa for more than half an hour
- I will have eaten something I cooked myself
- My friends will be reminded of what I look like
- I will have had a day of girly luxury, involving back massages and beauty treatments
- I will have gone for a walk in the hills with my sister and her baby
- I will be in my posh frock
- I will be at Home (the bar, not my house)
- I will have at least two exotic cocktails in my system, and another on the go
And life will be back to normal.

Until me obi won kenobi!!

This has been an interesting learning curve though, and not just in terms of the subject matter. Its quite impressive how much the body can cope with, and without!
Still, glad I don't have to do it permanently. When (If) I get hooked up with this PhD programme, I at least have the MA experience under my belt so that (a) I know how to plan large pieces of work sufficiently so that I don't have to pull 14 hour days at the computer for 6 weeks straight, and (b)if the excrement does indeed hit the airconditioning, I at least know how far I can push it.

But!! Its not over yet, and on that note, one must adjourn to the aforementioned body of work, and finish the little bastard off!! (Fuck!! I still have so much to do!!! Fuck!!)
Five days to go. 117.25 hours. Piece of piss.