Monday, February 28, 2005

Let the madness begin

Well its been 24 hours, and I'm not missing The Precious too much.

One thesis finished, bound, submitted.

I haven't had time yet to really process it, what with other stuff and things going on. Like, I had my first tutorial today. They didn't run screaming from the room in horror, so I guess thats a good start.

I have 4 days left at Helga's House of Pain, after which I shall get very very very very drunk, throw up, and then sleep for two days. Anyone who will be in Christchurch on Friday is most welcome to join me. Or you could just get drunk wherever you are.

So as of Friday I will have no thesis, no job, no stress. No money either, but I'm fairly used to that.

Have to go to work now, so that I only have 3 days left.

Its all a bit odd. I would love to take Ben's advice and do nothing for a very long time, but I have some um.... what are they called again? Thats right, responsibilities, so I may steal James' advice to Dave and embark on a thesis detox programme.
Any ideas?