Wednesday, February 23, 2005

This is a low...

I tried to write a blog earlier, cos a couple of my friends were bugging me about not having anything to read. So I told them they were very sad creatures who needed to get lives.

But I couldn't do it. It was just rubbish.

Theres all these things going on, and I can't bring myself to blog them, cos it doesn't seem right. Maybe once its all over, or enough time has passed, or whatever, but not now. Too much.
Suffice to say that in the next few days I have to finish and submit my thesis, plan, write and conduct my first tutorial and finish an eleven year career in hospitality, none of which is important right now, cos everythings pretty fucked up.

See, there I go, having a rather obscure whinge about stuff. Most people would just shut the fuck up about it, but I have so many things in my head that if I kept them all in I would go mad. Ok, madder. More mad? Anyway.

Dave, in all his smashingness, has asked for people to send good karma my way. Thank you possum, but its not me that needs it. You know where to send it. OK, some of you don't. Those who do, please send it. Or you could send it to me and I'll pass it on.

Right then.

Thank you.