Saturday, February 19, 2005

Wagner: Not as bad as it sounds*

Last night at work:

Corey: If you need me to help you just give me a yell.
Claire: You know Corey, you're not nearly as much of a bastard as you make out you are.
Corey: Thanks Claire. And you're much prettier than you wait...that came out wrong.......
Claire: *on floor in fits of laughter*

* Mr Clements.**
** A prize*** for telling us Mr Clements' more famous nom de plume
***The word "prize" is used here in its loosest possible definition. As in, not really a prize. More like a feeling of being clever****. Or smug.
****Although its not really that hard*****
*****Or perhaps now I'm being smug******
******But I can cos its my blog*******
*******So bollocks to that.

Bye now.