Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Ali in the ATF, Ali in the ATF"

"Ain't it a bit racialist, getting only black dogs to sniff out da bombs?"

Man, this guy is a fucking genius.
The people Ali talks to have absolutely no idea that hes taking the piss out of them. He has just asked ATF dog handlers why they don't have get the senior dogs to interview the new recruits, instead of the humans. Perfectly sensible question, if you ask me, cos obviously the dogs would have more relevant questions than the humans, but before we can even query the philosphical ramifications, Ali is asking the dog handler if he has ever smelled a dog's bottom.

And the good thing about this programme is that not only do we get Ali, but also Borat and Bruno.

OK, there is really no purpose whatsoever to this post, just to share with you all how utterly brilliant Ali G and associated characters are.

Bruno has just asked a Christian fundamentalist minister if he wanted a lapdance.

You all need to go out now and watch some Ali G.

Also, in a google search, I found this.

OK, I'll go now.