Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope...

Last night: Revenge of the Sith.
The verdict? I thought it was cool. Admittedly when I go to the pictures I tend not to be too critical, given that I am such a big fan of the whole experience, in fact nine times out of ten I get so excited about the previews that I forget what I have come to see.
It was a bit violent, and pretty dark, but really, what did one expect. Its the one where the baddies win. The good news is the dialogue is better. No more "I don't like sand" type bollocks.
And Anakin is good. Anyone who claims that the lovely Hayden cannot act needs to go and rent Life as a House, in which Hayden is not only impressive under his own steam, but is especially so given who his co-star is. Who remembers when Ally McBeal got Robert Downey Jr on to boost their ratings? It was a self-defeating move, because he is such a good actor that all the others on the show ended up looking fairly average.
Kevin Kline is another of these actors who is so understatedly brilliant, that those around him pale in comparison. In Life as a House however, Hayden holds his own, and proves that the woodenness of Episode II was not due to any lack of talent, but rather a rubbish script. Given that the script of Episode III is better, Hayden is better too. And yes, he is well fit.
But there is more to Episode III than Anakin, and the fight scenes are cool, and the movie is not bogged down in FX, and Ewan McGregor is an awesome Obi Wan, and Padme is so pretty and tragic she's like Ophelia, in fact Anakin reminds me of some sort of Shakespearean figure too, some cross between Othello and Hamlet.
Grace has got the rats at me for seeing it before her. Blame the time zones.
Anyway, I'm off now, hopefully to buy one of these.
Birthday presents are cool.