Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Buy the sky and sell the sky and bleed the sky and tell the sky...

What does it mean when your computer makes a weird sound at regular intervals that sounds like theres a rattle snake inside it trying to get out and having given up all hope of rescue rattles its rattly thing for attention?
Most strange.

Anyway. Grace loves me.
Its important that you all know that.

Today has been an 'appointment' day. I had the chiropractor this morning, then a couple of crap boring useless waste-of-my-time things, then I got my eyebrows waxed. Oh yeah. I'm so pretty now. Cos not only do my eyebrows get waxed, they get tinted, and so do my eyelashes! So once the pain of having half your facial hair ripped out has passed, and then the burn of the eyelash-dye-in-the-eye trick passes, and you can see again, you look fabulous!!
Actually I mean me. I look fabulous.
Cos right now we're ignoring the whole 'I'm nearly thirty I shouldn't get pimples anymore' thing, and the fact that my stomach could be be lot flatter than it actually is, and that my legs have gone beyond spiky hairy to fuzzy hairy and that my hair could use some serious attention.
None of that is important right now.

In other news....I suck at maths stuff. I'm like one of those Barbie dolls that says "maths is hard. I like shopping" Except if I was proportioned like Barbie, I wouldn't be able to stand upright. Haha Barbie, suck on that, you plastic bitch! I can stand up! Look at me, STANDING!!!!

Where was I? Oh yeah, sucking at things mathematical. I'm trying to code stuff for the dataset, and for the purposes of future statistical analyses the coding rules need to come from the spread of data, rather than coming up with the rules independently and applying them to the data. So I came up with some stuff (i.e. completely pulled it out of thin air) and one set works perfectly (the scale needs to increase exponentially, because there's such a large spread of data) and the other one is COMPLETE BOLLOCKS. So I wasted valuable tv watching/friend seeing/dinner eating/arse scratching time last night trying to work this stuff out, and now I have to start all over again. PissArseShitFuckCuntyBollocks.

I think I should be a professional swearer.

Also today I got to warp some more young minds I mean teach some first years, and today's topic was authoritarian government. The reading was "1984" which is an awesomely awesome book and so we got talking about the culture of fear and how just like democracy, it must be constantly nourished or it will fail, so needless to say we got on to Fox news and their "terror alert" (tonight's terror alert level: beige corduroy!!).
The point being, it was very interesting, and some of them aren't complete morons. Shocking revelations, I know.

Am going to crank up the tunes in my office now and leap around like a complete twat.
Just for a change.