Sunday, February 08, 2004

And Again, its Monday. Funny how that keeps happening.
High point of the day is yet to come, namely ER at 8.30, but all things considered, its not going too bad for a Monday.
I didn't get woken up at some unGodly hour by DumbArse the soon-to-be-ex-flatmate, but thats only cos he wasn't coming home from work at 3am.
I've realised that I am really quite fond of my thesis, and despite the grumbles of others I know, its actually not a chore to write. Ask me again in four months though.

I watched "Bowling For Columbine" again last night. One thing that really scares me, aside from some of the clothing choices of interviewees, is the statements of those who wish to arm themselves. The inclusion of the phrase "As an American" seems to be a blanket excuse for, well, anything. The guy at the start from the Michigan Militia, who claims that its his duty, "as an American" to defend himself and his family from attackers epitomises the narrow minded attitude that appears to eminate from certain regions of that particular land (note non-committal language, not a dig at anyone specific, but a perception, therefore subjective, ie don't bomb my house).
It fits right in with old NumbNuts George the Selected, as opposed to his dad, George the elected. The use of language such as "evil doers", the "axis of evil" etc reeks of a dichotomous view of international relations, of "us vs. them", which anyone with half a brain can see is not just incomplete, but plain wrong.
I'd love to sit down with the Michigan Militia guy, and ask him about the people he's supposedly defending himself against. Poverty breeds crime, and without insinuating that people are not responsible for their own actions, I'd ask Mr Militia what pro-active measures he'd take against crime, so that he doesn't need to shoot anybody. (the fact that hes probably praying for an opportunity to shoot someone aside).
These people epitomise everything that gives America such a bad name. Kneejerk reactions to events are their style. When September 11th happened, nobody was seriously asking why, they just wanted revenge, thinly disguised as justice. Sure, a horrible tragedy occured, and innocent people died.
What really gets me is why nobody is concerned about the innocent people that died in Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Argentina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran.
Where are the monuments to the people that died when the US bombed Kosovo? What about memorials to the 500,000 children that died as a result of sanctions against Iraq? Will there be a TV movie about those that died as a result of the US bombing a "weapons plant" in Sudan, the one that turned out to be manufacturing medicine? What about a moments silence at the Oscars to comemmorate the thousands that died because of corrupt regimes, instituted and funded by the American govt, in Latin and South America? Will Tom Hanks appear in a TV special about children working in sweatshops in South East Asia, making clothes for Nike and Tommy Hilfiger, children that should be playing with footballs, not manufacturing them.
Now I didn't really mean to have a rant, but hey, there you go.
This is how I'm going to save the world, through fair trade, accountability, and transparency of financial movements, one structural adjustment policy at a time.