Sunday, February 29, 2004

Oscar day

I'm not quite sure why it is I get so hyped up about this particular day. I am already threatening extreme violence towards any minions who dare to even hint Oscar results before I watch the programme tonight with my peeps.
If I was observing me as an outsider I would be inclined to think that I would object philosophically to such blatant celebrations of money, fame, and bullshit, but in fact I love the Oscars.
I can't wait to watch the red carpet walks, bitch about the frocks, and get irrationally angry when certain people do or don't win. Billy Crystal will be hideously annoying, Americans will get up there, carp on about Sept 11 and their illegal war as if they are some sort of force for righteousness and generally piss people off, and all the women will not have eaten for several weeks and have faces made of plastic and botox, but still, I love the Oscars.
I know Keisha's not going to win, and I'm pretty sure Mr Jackson will, or there'll be anarchy in the streets. But still, GO KIWI!!! Yeah.

As of approx. 2pm today, I must isolate myself from all media so that I don't inadvertantly get told Oscar results before tonights viewing extravaganza. Oh the horror!!! Thats 6 hours without information!! Luckily I have two hours of ER from last night to help me through. Phew.

Big ups to Charlie for having a smashing party at Vertigo on Friday, and also for having the good sense to have a really fit German bloke called Sebastian there for the sole purpose of paying loads of attention to me for quite some time. Perhaps there is hope for me yet....