Sunday, February 22, 2004

Things that I have learnt today.
(a) Name: Gini Index of Income Inequality.
(b) Brief Definition: A summary measure of the extent to which the
actual distribution of income, consumption expenditure, or a related variable,
differs from a hypothetical distribution in which each person receives an
identical share.
(c) Unit of Measurement: A dimensionless index scaled to vary from a
minimum of zero to a maximum of one; zero representing no inequality and one representing the maximum possible degree of inequality.

The distribution of family income according to the Gini Index in East Timor, as of a 2002 estimate, is 38.
No, I don't know what that means either, but I'm going to find out.

I also am not quite sure what this means, but perhaps he is implying that it might be more difficult to become El Presidente, Princess Boogaloo, or even Queen of the Fucking Universe as I initially thought. Nevermind, I'm sure I can buy myself a job somewhere.

In other news, the much loved Fellowship, or certain members thereof, have been branching out into the world of the cyber geek. Messers Mortensen, Bloom, Wood & Bean, plus Miss Tyler, are rumoured to have bought the rights to a website for their own nefarious purposes. According to sources, it all began with a shared make-up trailer they christened Cunty-Bago. The mind boggles.