Thursday, February 19, 2004

And here we have it, the third hangover this week. Next week I'm going to see if I can crack five hangovers in five days. Cos its important to have goals.
I woke up this morning and my liver was sitting on the pillow next to me drinking coffee and smoking unfiltered Camels, growling "motherfucker" under it's breath.
Occasionally there are days of great creativity that emerge from the hangover. Being that I have a brain that it as structured and orderly as a bowl of tapioca, sometimes it helps to be a little rough in order to get those pesky wee thoughts in the right order onto a page. By dumbing oneself down somewhat, it makes work a lot easier.
Unfortunately, today was not one of those days. Still tapioca brain.
I did get a chance to check out the newbies, all the honours students that start next week, theres a couple of new Masters students as well. Haha, fresh meat.
In the sad absence of Katy I have taken it upon myself to be the unofficial social officer, and as such am organising the bus trip. The goal this time is to see if we can get Saint past the third pub. Certain up-for-it academics have been informed, and will no doubt be taking part, again. Nice.
In a completely different vein, here is reason #457 why this woman should be given a very important job, high up in some very important establishment.
When they make me El Presidente, she can be my right hand (wo)man. Charlie has offered to take the job, he's even prepared to change his name to "Knuckles" and adopt a Vinnie Jones type accent, but hes got some serious competition.