Thursday, May 20, 2004

40 days

How very biblical.
Perhaps this is becoming some sort of divine task, or maybe I just have a little over a month to finish the fucking thing. I have not yet reached that stage that others have passed through, the "I Hate My Thesis" phase, I'm not sure if that is because my thesis is way cooler than theirs, or I'm not quite there yet.
I am awaiting a meeting with my supervisors, who are no doubt about to bring the smackdown along the lines of "what the fuck? Call this a thesis? I wouldn't wipe my arse on this!". Or maybe a little constructive criticism. Can't be worse than the criticism I heap upon the poor wee thing.
Oh dear. Best go, intp the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell, rode the six hundred!!! Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more!!
Fucking hell, calm down, its just a meeting!
In other news, more gmail invites are coming my way.
Show me the money!!!