Monday, May 24, 2004


Only five more episodes of er left, counting today's. Great. The charming Christchurch winter is upon us, how are we supposed to get through without decent telly? All thats left now is Scrubs, although they'll probably take that off soon too, just to piss us off.
There is absolutely nothing else on telly thats worth watching. Its all complete and utter arse. American Idol? How about "no". The we have all manner of bollocks reality tv, which turns your brain to tapioca, theres crap Australian soaps, and Everybody Thinks Raymond is a Fucking Tosser. Help me Obi-Won Kenobi, make some decent telly!! Just one hour a week is all I ask!!
My Dad has the right idea on telly, he says "if it wasn't for The Simpsons, I'd throw the bloody thing out the window". Although given that we are now on to the 17th rerun of every single episode, even the Simpsons can't save us now.
And don't start on the whole "you could read a book" bollocks. I've read more fucking books than anyone I know. And I could engage people in conversation, but I don't like that many people, and the ones I can stand are too busy working or, like, go out and do stuff. Or live in bloody Wellington. Bastards.
Maybe I'll start a cult. People can pay to join, and I can use the money to go snowboarding. The I won't have to talk to them. Just need an incentive for them to give me money. Suggestions in the box please.