Friday, May 28, 2004

Disaster Movies and PhDs

Went to see The Day After Tomorrow last night. Cool effects and disaster movie type things, loaded with various moralistic messages, but lacking in the plot department. But really, what did one expect? "From the director of Independence Day" was a fairly good indicator, so I left my brain at home. Just like Independence Day, the dog survived, so thats all I really care about. Donnie Darko survived too, which was an added bonus.
I had my Friday morning meeting with my thesis supervisors yesterday, and I think my thesis will kick arse. Good thing is, they seem to think so as well, which is nice coming from two such educated chaps. Given the restrictions inherent in a Masters thesis, they want to send me off to a university in America to continue my work in the form of a PhD, and really cane it. I said sure guys, can you just bend over so that I can pull some money out of your arses to pay for it.
Nice to know that they think I've got what it takes though. So of course I had a look on the Yale site, which is where Nicholas Sambanis runs the Economics of Civil War project from which is right up my academic alley, and now I want to go there. Never mind the fact that in less than 2 years I'll be 30 and I have about $300 to my name, not counting student loans and all that. I wanna go to Yale!!!!!! Fuckarsebollocks.
So I said to my supervisors that if they could hook me up with one of those sweet scholarships where I get paid loads every week to study and have to teach undergrads for a couple of hours a week and they put me up in a nice house with people who don't smell and who can cook really good Indian food, then I'm in. Otherwise....
My brain is ticking over, scheming about who I know who know people who can hook me up, but first, I have to finish the job at hand.
And just like that, I'm gone.