Friday, May 14, 2004

Mmmmm. Troy.

Troy good. Although, a very important thing to keep in mind before you go in, it is not the Iliad. Nor is it the Odyssey, although Odysseus is a fairly central character (Sean Bean is hot) and the Trojan horse integral to the outcome. And a ten year war makes a three day appearance. Brevity is the soul of wit and evidently of war too.
What the movie is about, however, is Brad Pitt's stomach, Eric Bana's biceps, and Orlando Blooms perfect eyelashes. And lots of man leg. Theres a wee bit of a plot in there as well, and some action, and some pretty girls for those who are that way inclined, very little accuracy (Aeneas even makes an appearance) but damn. The bit where Achilles and Hector are getting their armour on in preparation for kicking the shit out of each other, WOW. I nearly peed my pants.
It is a two and a half hour homage to fine looking men. Even my lesbian friend was having second thoughts about her gender of choice!!
I thought all my Christmases had come at once.

Can't really think about work today, too many fine images in my mind, plus theres the Part A tonight. Better go party-proof my house!

Have a smashing day, won't you.